Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nearing the finish line...

Hi everyone,

It's been 9 days since round #5 of chemo. I'm getting near the finish line and the chemo is making certain that I will never forget how tough this has been. I spend my days at the oncologist getting fluids and iron or home on the couch watching TV or sleeping. Round #5 has all my blood levels low, I am anemic and food tastes like sand. On the upside, I found a cherry tootsie pop in my tote bag and it tasted fantastic! (Margaret I think that was from Nolan's treat bag you gave me)

I am so looking forward to post chemo days. I know this is starting to wear on Mark too. He's always tired and that is stress. Matt starts the wrestling season next week so that will be a good diversion. We will try to make the upcoming holiday season as less stressful as possible. My nieces, Linz and Carly, are coming over the Thanksgiving weekend to put up a few Christmas decorations. I treasure the time I get with them. As they get older I see them less and less.

The count down to my last round of chemo is 20 days to Dec 1st. After the last round my body will be able to start healing. Within 3-4 weeks I should start feeling better because I won't be slammed with another round of drugs! I am soooooooooooooooo looking forward to 2012. I hope that damn Mayan calendar isn't right!

Thank you all for the prayers, postive thoughts, uplifting cards, emails and text messages. Please keep a young woman, Rachel, in your prayers. In her short life of 19 years she has had 3 types of cancer. At 15 she had her entire right leg amputated, then a few yrs later she had groin cancer, then this past February she had part of her lung removed that was cancerous. Rachel is a kind spirit and is very upbeat. NUFF said, what do we have to complain about?

I luv you all,

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